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Sunday, January 25, 2009


It's been over a month since I last posted anything, reason being I took a month out to do a bit of traveling. I promised myself I would keep away from the interweb as much as possible to try and regain some sense of what it was like to experience things through reality rather than through virtuality, sick and tired of the emptiness of virtual conversations, emails with no body language, and viewing life through the computer screen. The effect has been that I now feel much more grounded with life, who i am, less preoccupied with presenting a virtual image of my*self*, more skeptical of those who do so (as you can see traveling was not just done in the physical sense!).

I think this traveling has had a bit of an effect on my photography. In the images that will follow over the next few weeks (I took over 2000, it will take a while to get the good ones which I imagine will amount to about 50, together!). I've tried to capture how landscapes feel rather than how they look, and get to personalities through portraits. Technically, I now know all about the my camera and I've even experimented with RAW (the image of Machu Picchu is a RAW conversion to try and get that Ansel Adams effect). I hope you like what I've come back with, I'll be posting a few of the best on Flickr but I'm also keen to build an online exhibition, probably in SmugMug. As always critical feedback means a lot to me so please do tell me what you think, how I could improve etc.

Stay tuned....plenty more to come!

----Photographs above----
1. Mach Picchu (Peru)
2. Grandmama (Isla AmantanĂ­, Lake Titicaca, Peru)


Academic, Hopeful said...

Yipee! More to come!

Timothy said...

Terrific photos. I particularly like your image of Machu Pichu. I can see the Adams homage, but there is something additional, something about the clouds that is quite beautiful and other-worldly.